Why You Should Bring a Travel Journal To The Yukon


Irrespective of how increasingly digital the world becomes, taking a moment to jot down your thoughts while on the road will always be soulful and worthwhile. Your thoughts reflect what you value most about your travelling experiences, so it only makes sense to record them somewhere special.  

Whenever you open your travel diary, it reveals a piece of your past that is uniquely yours.  

For those who can't seem to part from the memories of their travels, travel journals are a great solution. Documenting your journey will enhance your self-awareness, give you a deeper understanding of the world, and make your trip to Yukon more rewarding.  

Here are some great reasons to consider documenting your Overland Yukon adventure with a travel diary.  

Pre-trip Benefits   

1. It’s a great way to get organized.  

Traveling to the Yukon is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, so you'll want to make the most of it. Keeping a travel journal through your Yukon trip will help organize important details, like what trails, provincial parks, and historic sites you plan to visit on your trip. Overland Yukon’s Chief Exploration Officers (CEO) can also provide you with great recommendations of must-see destinations, based on what interests you.  

Related: 3 Beginner Hikes in Yukon That Will Give You All The Views  

2. It will grow the anticipation around your trip  

To celebrate the excitement leading up to your trip, you should pick up a travel journal when you book your vacation. Start writing your first entry as soon as you get home. Sit down and get comfortable. Whatever your planning process might entail - a glass of wine, Google, or both - it's time to get inspired. Describe what you imagine it will be like when you finally reach the Dempster Highway for the first time, to see the vibrant crimson and gold vegetation that occurs during the summer. Then, reflect on your expectations as you make your Yukon dreams come true.   

In-Trip Benefits 

3. It helps you to live in the moment 

Most of the time, the best moments of our trips fly by too quickly. Keeping a travel journal will help be more present for the most meaningful moments of your adventure. This is because when you write about an experience, you become more aware of the fact that it’s actually happening to you. Whether you’re sketching pictures of a fresh alpine lake or vividly describing your journey around the Golden Loop - you will be glad you recorded the memories of your Overland Yukon trip because writing about them will let you experience them as they are happening.  

4.  It allows you to reflect on your accomplishments  

Are you visiting the Yukon to climb that mountain you've always wanted to climb? Or to conquer that hike you’ve been dreamt of completing for years? Document your physical challenges and accomplishments along the way in your travel journal. It is comforting to keep a travel journal because it reassures you that - just like in life - everything always works out in the end. 

5. It’s a great way to pass time on the road  

Due to the vast wilderness of the Yukon, there will be periods when you are in your Overland Yukon vehicle for hours at a time. Journaling in between destinations is a fun way to pass the time in between long car rides and add in reflections from each day of your journey. But don’t spend too much time staring into your notebook. You’ll want to take in the road trip views for yourself as well.  

6. It’s a good place to store souvenirs from your trip  

A souvenir is a memory made real. As you open them, they reveal a piece of your unique past, and make great conversation pieces when you show them to your loved ones. Keep track of the life changing experiences you encounter on your Overland Yukon expedition by storing your souvenirs inside your travel journal.    

Post-Trip Benefits 

7. It keeps your journey alive  

Capturing moments of conversations that tickled you or made you smile during your trip is a great way to keep your memories with friends and family alive. Reflect on the magic you felt the first time you arrived in Whitehorse with your significant other, or the friendly souls you met while hiking Grizzly Ridge in Tombstone Territorial Park. You will enjoy reliving these moments once they're over, no matter what experiences you choose to write about.   

8. It helps you to foster and remember the connections you’ve built on your journey  

Travelling provides the opportunity to build human connections with one another through learning about culture, food, new sites, music, and how people live their everyday lives around the globe. But many of these amazing experiences are lost in the back of our minds because we do not write them down. In meeting people along the way of your Overland Yukon adventure, write down some of their names, and the unique impacts each of them had on you. This way, your travel journal will help you to hold them close forever.    

As you can see, keeping a travel diary isn’t just a way to record your experiences and impressions on the road. Rather, the power of writing about our experiences promotes happiness, creativity, and promotes the life we want to live.  

Will you be trying your hand at keeping a travel journal on your next trip? 


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